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Full steam ahead

Reflecting growing, widespread international response, we are delighted to announce that next month’s writing retreat on the picturesque ‘Wild Atlantic Way’ in Donegal, northwestern Ireland, is one of the most popular yet in our five-year history.

With less than a month to go before the week-long event begins, there is only one single solitary place now open.

So, if you are reading this and interested to attend, please sign up now and avoid disappointment.

Participants enjoy a trip to Glenveagh Castle and National Park.

The range of nationalities attending next month’s retreat is also impressive. Participants, both men and women, of all ages, hail from places as diverse as the US, Germany and Australia. So, intriguing, stimulating cultural exchanges are inevitable.

Building upon the success of our Ireland-based writing retreats, our inaugural Paris event in the footsteps of Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald and James Joyce in late October has also attracted a wide range of participants, including someone from Iceland.

James Joyce and Sylvia Beach at Shakespeare And Company, Paris

Again, if you are interested to attend this particular retreat, you are cordially invited to do so. Four places remain open.

“We are absolutely delighted by the overall response,” said Sean Hillen, co-founder of Ireland Writing Retreat. “The cumulative efforts we’ve made over the years to create a strong degree of uniqueness at our week-long retreats has been successful. We’ve received positive, indeed glowing, reviews by previous participants, for whom we are very grateful and about whom we still hold fond memories.”

Sean added, “Participants say not only have they enjoyed the practical nature of the writing workshops and the in-depth critiques but also the fact that assignments are based on the excursions they experience with us, including an island boat trip, a food and drinks tasting event at a century-old thatched cottage overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, a guided tour of Donegal’s national park and castle, and even our ‘Magical Mystery Evening’ introduction.’ “

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