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Wild Atlantic Writing Awards (WAWA)

9th edition

Have you ever been in a dangerous situation in your life? What was it? How did it happen? How did you deal with it? Did it change you in any way?  

Writing about such a personal experience will help you in the creative non-fiction category of our new Wild Atlantic Writing Awards (WAWA) competition, which is on the theme of ‘danger.’ 

Your story can be in the form of a memoir, a travel article or an essay.


As for the flash fiction category of our competition, ‘danger’ is a common theme in literature, often forcing the lead character to overcome difficult, often unforeseen, obstacles. It comes in many shapes and forms and can change personalities. Or at least attitudes to certain things, to life itself and to people. Overcoming danger can also lead to new opportunities and successes.

Creating the suspense associated with danger and having one’s character overcome it to achieve their goal is a challenging writing assignment.


So, test your writing skills. Imagine a situation where your character must face danger and enter your story in the flash fiction category of our new competition.

Aside from our usual 500-word limit, there’s only one other condition. The word ‘danger’ cannot be used in your story title or in the story itself.


Winners in each category will receive 500 euro in cash, or 1,000 euro off any of our writing retreats in 2024 or 2025. 


Deadline for submissions: Sunday, July 28, 2024.  

Flash Fiction Award


We feel the theme of ‘Danger’ with all its dimensions and connotations will appeal to you as it spans so many genres – sci-fi, crime, romance, horror, humour, thriller, mystery, whatever tickles you and your Muse’s fancy. 


As you write your story, remember to keep in mind three important guidelines:

  • the maximum length of your story should be 500 words, not including the title (please be mindful of this requirement, even one word over the limit can disqualify your entry);

  • judges should be left in no doubt that the core theme in your story is linked to ‘Danger;’ 

  • the word ‘danger’ (or any derivation) cannot be used in stories or in the titles of stories submitted for the competition, but judges should be in no doubt that the theme of 'danger' is reflected clearly in your stories;

  • multiple entries accepted. 


Let your imagination be your guide.




The winner selected by a judging panel consisting of IWR tutors will receive 500 euro in cash or a voucher worth 1,000 euro redeemable towards any one of our retreats of your choice in 2024 or 2025.


And more.


With the writer’s permission, the top ten stories in each category will be published on the ‘Ireland Writing Retreat’ website, with a short bio and photograph of the writer. Writers retain all copyrights to their work.

Creative Nonfiction Award


As for our creative nonfiction competition, we offer you a similar challenge: to write a story of not more than 500 words with ‘danger’ as a key element. Your story can be in the form of memoir, profile, literary journalism, personal essay, travel (and remember, award-winning travel articles don't have to be about exotic destinations, it could be about your own hometown), food or any creative nonfiction category you prefer.

As you write your story, remember to keep in mind three important guidelines:

  • the maximum length of your story should be 500 words, not including the title (please be mindful of this requirement, even one word over the limit can disqualify your entry);

  • judges should be left in no doubt that the core theme in your story is linked to ‘danger;’ 

  • the word ‘danger’ (or any derivation) cannot be used in stories or in the headlines of stories submitted for the competition, but judges should be in no doubt that the theme of 'danger' is reflected clearly in your stories;

  • multiple entries accepted. 

Let your imagination be your guide.



The winner selected by a judging panel consisting of IWR tutors will receive 500 euro in cash or a voucher worth 1,000 euro redeemable towards any one of our retreats of your choice in 2024 or 2025.

And more.


With the writer’s permission, the top ten stories in each category will be published on the ‘Ireland Writing Retreat’ website, with a short bio and photograph of the writer. Writers retain all copyrights to their work.

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