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So, How Was Paris? La Vie En Rose!

Such is my utter and absolute delight, I’m tempted to say ‘what a terrific time we all enjoyed together in the City of Light, the success of the inaugural ‘Paris Writing Retreat’ far exceeding our expectations.’

But I won’t. I’ll be disciplined. I’ll resist the temptation.

With Halloween fast approaching, even Dracula couldn’t make me say the words.

Although, upon consideration, the Long-Toothed Transylvanian Count’s famous words in Bram Stoker’s classic Gothic tale are most appropriate in summing up the sentiments of our week-long retreat in the French capital.

“Come freely, go safely. And leave something of the happiness you bring.”

From workshops on such subjects as memoir, flash fiction and dialogue, not to mention interesting walks, bookshop visits, fine lunches, dinners and literary salons in well-known authors’ apartments in the historical heart of the city, to enthusiastic, lively, mutually-supporting participants, the week could hardly have been any better.

But perhaps, it’s best to have the writers speak for themselves.

And, Happy Halloween everyone! Wish you were all here, in Donegal. Our senior tutor, Sean Hillen, is organising quite a production at the local theater. An intriguing ‘Dracula & Friends’ cabaret. And all for a good cause – the Irish Blood Transfusion Service.

Remember, we have now announced the 2020 Writing Retreats, so become a Friend and get access to exclusive offers right now.

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