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“…one of the 10 best creative retreats in the UK and Europe”

After six years of continued expansion, we are delighted to be named as the only writing retreat among the Top Ten best artistic retreats throughout Europe, including ones in Greece, the Netherlands, England, France, Spain and Portugal.

No other artistic retreat in Ireland made it to this highly-exclusive list except Ireland Writing Retreat.

The list, with brief descriptions of each retreat ranging from dancing and painting to woodwork and songwriting, was published in Saturday’s edition of leading national British newspaper, The Guardian, in its special weekend international travel section.

The article included a full-color photograph of some of our previous participants enjoying an excursion on beautiful Gola Island, one of many historic trips that take place during our retreat weeks.

The article stated, “The twice-yearly Ireland Writing Retreat in Gweedore, two miles inland from the stunning west Donegal coastline, offers practical, hands-on writing and editing workshops, plus talks by authors about publishing and marketing. The week includes a boat trip to the island of Gola (pictured), walks and a tour of Glenveagh national park and castle, Irish language and dance classes, and traditional music concerts. It also offers a retreat focusing on travel writing (16-22 March), and two further afield: one on the Black Sea near Mangalia, Romania (27 May-2 June), and a new retreat in Paris (14-20 October).”

Thank you to all our past participants, authors and writing trainers who helped make this great honor possible. And a warm welcome to all future participants who no doubt will help us continue our success.

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