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'Wild Atlantic Writing Awards' are back

With the success of our first edition of the Wild Atlantic Writing Awards (WAWA), we at ‘Ireland Writing Retreat’ are happy to continue to support you and other fellow writers worldwide by launching the second edition of our competition, with key prizes for winners.

Wild Atlantic Writing Awards’ (WAWA), a competition we hope will provide challenge, diversion and enjoyment for you as a wordsmith in the strange times we live in, is now open for entries in two categories: fiction and creative nonfiction.

Flash Fiction Award

This category is open to all genres – sci-fi, crime, romance, horror, humor, thriller, fantasy, mystery, whatever tickles you and your Muse’s fancy - but on one single theme:


In other words, upon reading your story, judges are left in no doubt that a key element in it is linked in some way to Nature. It could even be that a tree, plant, stone or other being or Nature in its multitude of expressions plays a key role in your story.

Let your imagination and your relationship with Nature be your guide.

Maximum length 500 words (please be mindful of this requirement, even one word over the limit can disqualify your entry). Maximum length does not include the title.


The winner will receive 500 euro in cash.

Creative Nonfiction Award

As for our creative nonfiction competition, we offer you a similar challenge.

To write a story of not more than 500 words (not including the title) inspired by the same subject:


Your story can be in the form of memoir, profile, literary journalism, personal essay, food, travel (and remember, award-winning travel articles don't have to be about exotic destinations, it could be about your own hometown), or any creative nonfiction category you prefer.

Upon reading competition entries, judges should be left in no doubt that a key element in your writing is linked in some way to Nature in its multitude of expressions, mentioned clearly in the narrative or is the actual focus of your story.


The winner will receive 500 euro in cash.

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