Pre-holiday movie madness takes over in two weeks (Friday, December 15 to be exact) when the long-awaited Star Wars blockbuster, ‘The Last Jedi,’ hits a screen near you.
And there’s a close link to the Ireland Writing Retreat.
Not, it’s not (yet) that death-defying, sci-fi Luke Skywalker is a surprise creative writing coach at next year’s sessions in Ireland and Romania’s Black Sea though actor Mark Hamill, who plays the key role, is extremely creative, loves Donegal and makes spontaneous decisions, so don’t rule it out.
You can bet we'll ask him, especially after what he just said.

During filming of ‘The Last Jedi’ not too far from the location of ‘Ireland Writing Retreat’ on Ireland’s ‘Wild Atlantic Way’, Hamill said recently, “It’s such a beautiful place. You just have to walk outside and it’s like a matte painting from an old Hollywood film or special effects. It’s so beautiful it doesn’t look real. It’s just gorgeous. I didn’t want to leave. The people are so nice. They treated me like I was family. I don’t know what it is but there’s something very magical there. I would encourage everyone to go.”
What higher praise can one expect than that of a friendly 66-year-old hero who has traveled zillions of miles across the Galaxy moving as fast as the speed of light with friends Princess Leia and Han Solo in tow to battle the evil Empire, save the world and end the tyranny of the Sith?
Where’s the popcorn? I’m off to enjoy…
Remember to check out our Early Bird discounts when you become a Friend of the Ireland Writing Retreat.